The Quest for Knowledge Puzzle

Unknown artist Flammarion engraving (color added), from L’atmosphère: météorologie populaire, 1888 The Flammarion engraving depicts a legendary scene, but the illustration’s origins have collected their own series of myths. The first documented appearance of the Flammarion engraving is in the 1888 L’atmosphère: météorologie populaire (The atmosphere: popular meteorology) by Camille Flammarion. Little is known definitively about the engraving aside from its original caption: “A missionary of the Middle Ages tells that he had found the point where the sky and the Earth touch.” Inspiringly, many have interpreted the image, reproduced in color on this 500-piece puzzle, as a quest for knowledge. 

Pomegranate Puzzles
500 pieces
Box size: 10.625 x 8.625 x 1.875 in.
Puzzle size: 24 x 18 in.

  • $20.00